Some PU applications require using several colors that are to be changed frequently. The MicroDos color metering system concentrates all components containing color into one module, allowing time-saving color management that also cuts costs.
- Servo-electric piston metering
- Closed-loop control
- Grouping of all components that come in contact with dye in one color change module
- Quickly replaceable color module for low set-up times and lossless color changes
- Precise metering even at the lowest mass flows
- Capable of processing highly viscous and abrasive colors
- Low space requirements and ability for flexible attachment onto mixing and metering machines
- Large selection of multi-color mixing heads
Some PU applications require using several colors that are to be changed frequently. The MicroDos color metering system concentrates all components containing color into one module, allowing time-saving color management that also cuts costs.
- Servo-electric piston metering
- Closed-loop control
- Grouping of all components that come in contact with dye in one color change module
- Quickly replaceable color module for low set-up times and lossless color changes
- Precise metering even at the lowest mass flows
- Capable of processing highly viscous and abrasive colors
- Low space requirements and ability for flexible attachment onto mixing and metering machines
- Large selection of multi-color mixing heads
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